Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Analyse and improve you writing with PaperRater

Before we get down to using PaperRater, we will tell you more about the magic that this tool can help you weave. Well, it is nothing short of magic, especially if grammar and error-free writing are not your forte, and drafting college papers or professional documents give you nightmares. PaperRater is a plagiarism detection and proofreading tool that checks your write up for grammatical errors and offers suggestions to improve the style, word choice and readability of your document.

For instance, you are a budding publisher and a young writer approaches you with a manuscript that he/she wants to print. But before taking the plunge, you would definitely like to ensure that the script is original and will not land you in copyright issues. Enter PaperRater, a free tool that scans the documents for any potential plagiarism, although those who have used it extensively will tell you that language and grammar checking happens to be its strong point.

PaperRater has been developed by a bunch of college grads and linguistics professionals. Used by universities and schools in more than 46 countries, this tool has helped several students improve their writing style. But before the developers could introduce PaperRater on the Internet, they had to overcome huge challenges connected with computational linguistic design and development, entity resolution and automatic entity extraction, clustering, prioritization, plagiarism detection, duplicate document recognition, name parsing and regularization, among others.

That definitely is a long list of tasks to be accomplished within a short time. Therefore, a team of subject matter experts and computational linguistics worked together and created a core Natural Language Processing (NLP) engine to extract language evidence from term papers and essays, and then translate these into accurate codes, the creators of PaperRater have also included the ‘Vocabulary Builder’ tool to help students improve their vocabulary.

PaperRater comes loaded with an exciting range of features that make this application a favorite among all. When you submit a paper, the tool will analyse it pronto, 24/7and I real time. You will get in depth analysis that will help improve writing skills, grammar power and word choice thus enhancing the document’s overall readability. You will also find additional comments and analyses to clean up the paper adequately. Here is a step by step to get you initiated.  

Open the document that you want to analyse. Just copy and paste the text (including the works cited if it is a research paper) into the text box. You will also see a notification which states that the tool is created to evaluate high school level writing and above.

Now, choose the kind of paper that you want to evaluate. If it is a write up for the World Wide Web, you may like to use the essay analysis feature. You can also choose from several options that cover almost any type of writing.

Click on the ‘Get Report’ tab.

The tool will immediately check the paper for grammar, vocabulary, word choice, style and plagiarism. Each category is underlined with a different colour and this makes editing extremely easy. Phrases, words and grammatical issues are underlined in green. When you click on the underlined words, options will be there to help you fix the problem.

Similar options are available for spelling and word choice. While spelling issues are available for spelling and word choice. While spelling issues are underlined in red, word choice problems are highlighted in blue. Plus, the problems pointed out in the document will be clarified, so that one can learn more.

Writing style is also analysed by PaperRater, although it is not underlined like other spelling and grammar suggestions. Do remember that the use of passive voice is highly condemned in the literary world. paperRater acknowledges this fact and makes suggestions to fix this error.

Another interesting feature of PaperRater is the vocabulary rating. If one has used interesting words in the document, the toll is generous enough to shower words of praise.

Finally, the tool will analyse your document for plagiarism. However, those who have used this feature feel that this is not as thorough as some of the other plagiarism detection tools available online. You can try it or tally it with other apps. Ideally, you can get the paper checked at Paper Rater and then try another plagiarism detection tool for through result.

And before we sign off, here is more. A look at the PaperRater website will give you a lot more information on the additional features that the developers are planning to offer in the near future. Some of these features include grammar and writing tutorials, webinars, a method to create online personal database and a way to search through online databases automatically. In other words, PaperRater will not only help you work upon writing and language skills, but also enable you take it to another level.